Employment of Staff policy

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Section 1 - Preamble

The Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2017 came into effect on 6 July 2017. This Policy is currently under review and will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new changes.

(1) This Policy was approved by University Council on 11 August 2005 and incorporates all amendments to 23 January 2017.

Governing law

(2) The law governing employment at Deakin University includes:

  1. Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic)
  2. Affirmative Action (Equal Opportunity for Women) Act 1986 (Cth)
  3. Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013
  4. Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic)
  5. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth)
  6. Migration Act 1958 (Cth)
  7. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
  8. Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (Vic)
  9. Workplace Relations Act 1996 (Cth)

(3) and the following Statutes and Regulations of the University:

  1. Statute 3.1 - Officers and Staff of the University
  2. Regulation 3.1(1) - The Chancellor and Deputy Chancellors
  3. Regulation 3.1(2) - The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellors
  4. Regulation 3.1(3) - Pro Vice-Chancellors
  5. Regulation 3.1(4) - The Vice-Presidents
  6. Regulation 3.1(5) - Professors and Emeritus Professors
  7. Regulation 3.1(7) - Principal Officers of Faculties
  8. Regulation 3.1(8) - Principal Officers of Schools.

Section 2 - Purpose

(4) This Policy outlines conditions for staff employment.

Section 3 - Scope

(5) This Policy applies to University staff.

Section 4 - Policy

(6) The University shall appoint staff on the basis of merit and on terms consistent with Statutes, regulations and any other legal requirements and in accordance with such of the provisions of:

  1. any current Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013
  2. any current Australian Workplace Agreement
  3. senior staff performance contracts
  4. other contracts of employment

(7) The terms and conditions of employment for staff, including provisions relating to salary and any allowances, shall be as determined by the Vice-Chancellor pursuant to authority delegated by University Council provided that they shall be in accordance with such of the provisions of:

  1. any current industrial award
  2. any current Deakin University Enterprise Agreement 2013
  3. any current Australian Workplace Agreement
  4. relevant legislation or other legal requirement
  5. senior staff performance contracts
  6. other contracts of employment as are applicable or may be appropriate.

Appointments made by University Council

(8) University Council shall appoint staff to such positions as are required to be appointed by University Council in University Statutes or regulations. University Council may appoint other staff in such categories and on such terms and conditions as are determined by University Council, and in accordance with University Statutes and regulations.

(9) University Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint members of the Executive.

Appointments made by the Vice-Chancellor

(10) Pursuant to the specific delegation of authority by University Council to the Vice-Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellorshall appoint all deans, deputy deans, associate deans, heads of school, associate heads of school and professors.

(11) The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint senior managers whose appointment is not otherwise specified in University Statutes or regulations.

(12) The Vice-Chancellor will report to University Council in respect of all appointments made as described under clauses 9 and 10 above and will notify the Academic Board of all appointments of deans, deputy deans, associate deans, heads of school, associate heads of school and professors.

All other appointments

(13) The Vice-Chancellor or nominee shall appoint all other academic, professional and honorary staff.

Section 5 - Procedure

(14) Refer to the following Procedures:

  1. Appointment of Conjoint Academic Staff procedure
  2. Casual Staff Employment procedure
  3. Honorary Appointments procedure
  4. Induction procedure
  5. Leaving Deakin procedure
  6. Recognition of Prior Service procedure
  7. Recruitment of Staff procedure
  8. Remuneration procedure.

Section 6 - Definitions

(15) For the purpose of this Policy:

  1. Academic staff: staff who are engaged to undertake teaching, research and/or related academic duties
  2. Executive: includes Deputy Vice-Chancellors, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Digital Officer and Faculty Executive Deans and Vice Presidents who report directly to the Vice-Chancellor.
  3. Honorary staff: academic appointments at the levels of honorary professor, honorary associate professor, adjunct professor and honorary fellow. Honorary appointments carry no specific remuneration.
  4. Professional staff: staff of the University who provide administrative, technical or other academic support services.
  5. Senior managers: senior positions as determined by the Vice-Chancellor.

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